Choose the best answer for each question. At the end of the quiz, your score will appear here. Note: this quiz is based on the original story. Some of the questions and answers may not be applicable to our simplified story.
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Which of these best describes Susanna?
A friend of both of them.
A friend of Walter.
A friend of Marit.
Why did Walter, Marit and Susanna decide to go out that evening?
Because the doctor had given them tickets.
Because Marit wanted the evening to be special.
To have a farewell dinner with Marit's sister.
Why did Walter and Marit ask Susanna to join them?
Because she was very intelligent and would be fun to talk with.
Because she would act normally and not cry.
Because she was Walter's girlfriend and Marit wanted them to be happy.
What is the most likely reason that Susanna's friends called her a "dirty girl"?
She was a gardener and often had dirt on her hands and clothes.
She liked to be with men and had many boyfriends.
She always said what she thought and often used bad language.
Why was Susanna nervous about going out with Walter and Marit?
Because it would be hard to think of the right things to talk about.
Because she thought Marit may be unhappy that she was wearing such a short skirt.
Because she thought that Marit might know she was sleeping with Walter.
What meant the most to Marit as she looked around the living room at home before going out to dinner?
Memories of her life and the house she lived in when she was young.
The books that she had always meant to sit down with and read.
The rug which seemed more beautiful than when they first bought it.
Why did Walter order the Cheval-Blank wine at the restaurant?
Because he knew that Marit would like it.
Because it was such a special occasion.
Because it was what they always drank.
Why did Susanna shake her head and say "I can't" when Walter asked her to stay while he went upstairs with the syringe?
She knew that Walter wanted to kill Marit so that he could marry her.
She thought what Walter was doing was wrong and did not want to be part of it.
She did not want to be in the house when Walter used the syringe
What was Walter most likely thinking as he and Susanna were drinking coffee the next morning?
That he was sorry for how he had treated Susanna the night before.
Of the future life that he and Susanna would have together.
Of the calls to be made and all the other things he had to do.
What is the most likely reason that Susanna turned white as Marit came down the stairs?
Because she thought she was seeing Marit's ghost.
Because something went wrong and they would have to do it all over again.
Because Marit would know that she had slept with Walter.