Baby H.P. – Juan José Arreola

Lady of the house: convert your children’s vitality into motor power. We now have on sale the marvelous Baby H.P. which has revolutionized household economy.

Baby H.P. is made of a very light resistant metal that adapts itself perfectly to the infant’s delicate body by means of comfortable belts, bracelets, rings, and brooches. The ramifications of this supplementary skeleton catch each one of the child’s movements, converting them into a Leyden bottle that can be placed on the back or the chest, depending on necessity. A needle pointer indicates when the bottle is full. Then, Madam, you can unhook it and plug it into a special outlet, so that it will discharge automatically. This deposit can be placed in any corner of the house and represents a precious store of electricity ready at any moment for light and heating, as well as for any of the innumerable gadgets that invade our homes nowadays.

From now on you will feel differently about the exhausting activities of your children. And you will not even lose patience at a convulsive tantrum, when you remember that it is a generous source of energy. The kicking of a nursing baby during the twenty-four hours of the day is now transformed, thanks to Baby H.P., into some useful seconds of electric blending or into fifteen minutes of radio music.

Large families can satisfy all their electrical demands by installing Baby H.P. on each of their offspring, and even realize a small and lucrative business by transmitting a little of the extra energy to their neighbors. Big apartment buildings can satisfactorily supply electricity when there are failures in the public service by hooking up all the family deposits together.

Baby H.P. causes no physical upset or psychic disturbance in children, because it doesn’t hamper or disturb their movements. On the contrary, some doctors are of the opinion that it contributes to the harmonious development of their bodies. As for their spirits, it can awaken children’s individual ambition, by giving them rewards when they exceed their usual record. With this end in mind, candies and sweets are recommended, because they repay their cost many times over. The more calories added to the child’s diet, the more kilowatts are stored up in the electric computer.

Children should keep their lucrative H.P. on night and day. It is important for them always to wear it to school, so the precious recess period won’t be wasted, and they will return home with the accumulator overflowing with energy.

Rumors that some children die electrocuted by the current they themselves generate are completely irresponsible. The same must be said of the superstitious fear that youngsters provided with a Baby H.P. attract lightning bolts and sparks. No accident of this nature can occur, especially if the directions in the explanatory pamphlets which are given out with each apparatus are followed to the letter.

Baby H.P. is available in good stores in different sizes, models, and prices. It is a modern, durable, trustworthy apparatus, and you can hook up extensions to all its parts. It carries the factory guarantee of J. P. Mansfield & Sons of Atlanta, Illinois.