
Bread: Short story by Margaret AtwoodThis story by Margaret Atwood begins with four passages in which bread is used as a metaphor to illustrate a range of themes. In the first, it’s the good life (plenty and relaxation). In the second, famine (choices and consequences). In the third, life and death (betrayal or sacrifice). And in the fourth, social inequality and greed. The story concludes with a passage about a floating loaf of bread we know is real but are afraid to touch. The inference here is that most unaffected people prefer to turn a blind eye to the starvation and suffering in the world.

The “faiiry-tale” referred to in the fourth passage is an extract from God’s Food (Gottes Speise), Children’s Legend 5 in Household Tales by the Brothers Grimm. The blod that comes out of the loaf symolises the death from starvation of the greedy woman’s sister and her five children.

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