This coming-of-age story by Camille Acker initially comes across as yet another “too good to be true” tale about a young African-American girl from a working-class family overcoming the odds. (In this case to win a piano competition against privileged white kids from a wealthy neighborhood.) The narrative takes a turn after the competition as her family’s lower socio-economic status becomes clear. Provoked by the rude, condescending attitude of another competitor, she attacks the other girl’s chauffeur-driven car with the only weapon available… cast off cicada shells! Themes include poverty, social class, parental love, success, pride, identity.
The pride and exhilaration exhibited by Ellie following her chase of the car suggests that metaphorically she, too, has become a cicada. She has cast off her protective outer shell and learned to “fly free” and express her feelings when put down or disrespected… an important lesson at any Training School for Negro Girls.
Cicada Text / PDF (5,200 words)