
Going Steady

Going Steady: Short story by Adam BagdasarianIn this story by Adam Bagdasarian, a boy cruelly asks a girl to go steady in order to win a bet. The girl, who he knew liked him, is free-spirited, controlling, and has highly romantic perceptions of what going steady should entail. He wasn’t looking for such a commitment, likening her to a boa constrictor, and after four days decides to call it off. He finds this easier said than done and, after finally plucking up the courage to do so, immediately puts himself in a similar position. Themes include teenage relationships and expectations, insensitivity, honesty, control, commitment. More…


Popularity: Short story by Adam BagdasarianThe protagonist in this story by Adam Bagdasarian is a ten-year-old boy who has trouble making friends at school. His biggest wish is to be able to hang out at recess with the most popular group in fourth grade. He decides that the only talent he has that might gain him entry is his sense of humor. When the opportunity arises to make a joke, he is an instant success. However, he never feels secure among the group because his inclusion was at the expense of another member. Themes include alienation and loneliness, fitting-in, the shallow nature of teenage popularity. More…