The twin focuses of this disturbing story by Gina Berriault are a farm boy’s unusual reaction to his accidental shooting of his older brother, and his family and community’s interpretation of that reaction. Rather than run home in tears, the boy continues with their assigned task (picking peas), and calmly reports the death when this is completed. When the boy appears emotionless during the sheriff’s questioning, he is branded a psychopath and cruelly ostracized by family and friends. This becomes self-fulfilling, as the once normal nine-year-old transforms into a “stone boy”. Themes: loss, fear/guilt, grief, parental failure, alienation, isolation, identity. More…
Women in Their Beds
Gina Berriault’s protagonist is a struggling young actress who has just begun a day job as a social worker in the women’s ward of a city hospital. With no qualifications or experience, she finds it hard to maintain clinical detachment and begins to identify with the suffering, often troubled women in the ward. She reflects on turning points in her own life, and concludes that women are shaped by the beds (a metaphor for common life experiences) they have chosen, or someone else has chosen for them, to lie in. Themes: empathy, choice vs. superstition/destiny, identity, aloneness, connection. More…