In this thought-provoking story from Roberto Bolaño, a father and his twenty-two-year-old son go on an ill-fated vacation together. The two men are very different. The father is a sociable truck-driver who likes a good time, usually involving alcohol and women. Although no prude, his son is a broody intellectual who enjoys reading poetry. The holiday appears doomed from the start. Despite some tender moments, a tone of impending disaster builds throughout the story. It is fitting that, when danger finally strikes, father and son face it together. We aren’t told the outcome, because it’s not important to the story. More…
The Return
Roberto Bolaño’s The Return is not your usual Gothic ghost story. The mood (though not the storyline) is more like the Patrick Swayze movie Ghost, which is referred to in the story. When a man’s ghost finds that it can communicate with a famous French fashion designer, it decides to spend its time on earth with him. The two hadn’t known each other in real life, and only met because the fashion designer had paid to have sex with the man’s corpse! Themes: death, the afterlife, necrophilia, disillusionment, insecurity, isolation, empathy. More…