
The Fat Girl

The Fat Girl: Short story by Andre DubusThis story from Andre Dubus highlights the psychological damage that can arise when young people are shamed for not fitting community or cultural norms. A mother’s efforts to control her daughter’s diet results in a serious eating disorder. Later, a weight-loss program initiated by a well-meaning college roommate leads to a confused self-image, an unfulfilling, shallow marriage and, when she becomes pregnant, recurrence of the eating disorder. Fortunately, the birth of a son brings about an epiphany through which she is finally able to be comfortable with who she is. Themes: conformity, identity, food and dieting, body shaming, friendship, transformation. More…


Killings: Short story by Andre DubusAt a simplistic level this provocative story by Andre Dubus suggests that, given the right circumstances, almost anyone could become a cold-blooded killer. On one hand we have Strout (aggressive, violent and possibly psychologically disturbed); on the other, Matt (a peaceful, model citizen). Matt’s wife suffers untold emotional pain as she regularly encounters Strout (their son’s murderer) while he walks around town on bail. Rather than wait for the trial, Matt and his redneck friend Willis make elaborate plans for a killing of their own. Themes: love/marriage, murder, grief, justice, revenge, morality. More…