
Stay True Hotel

Stay True Hotel: Short story by Shihab Naomi NyeIn this story by Naomi Shihab Nye, a teenage girl grieving over her mother’s death is initially unhappy when yet another job change by her father results in yet another relocation, this time from the UK to Germany. Once there, she finds exploring the vibrant, unfamiliar streets of Berlin strangely exhilarating. In a sudden epiphany, she realizes that to “stay true” to her mother, she must let go of the gloom and look positively on life. Themes include grief, depression, acceptance, and that sometimes a change of environment can provide a fresh perspective on one’s problems. More…


Hamadi: Short story by Naomi Shihab NyeIn this story by Naomi Shihab Nye, a bookish fourteen-year-old Palestinian-American girl develops a strong connection with Saleh Hamadi, an ageing Lebanese immigrant. Both share an interest in Kahlil Gibran, and in particular his book The Prophet. The girl is pleasantly surprised when the eccentric Hamadi, who lives a spartan, solitary life, accepts an invitation to join her Christmas caroling group. During the evening, she overhears some life advice she will remember for years as Hamadi comforts a friend who is in tears over being snubbed by a boy. Themes include connection, compassion, perseverance, resilience (life goes on), wisdom. More…