
Autobiography of Irene

Autobiography of Irene: Short story by Silvina OcampoThe protagonist of this story by Silvina Ocampo believes she has psychic powers. Whatever she imagines, good or bad, takes place in real life. Afterwards, she completely forgets the person involved. Among these lost memories are those of her father and lover, both of whose death she foresaw. Now twenty-five, she foresees and is looking forward to her own death, believing that upon this her memories will be restored. Her biggest fear is NOT dying, which she addresses by allowing a stranger (or perhaps an alter ego) to write her autobiography. Themes include clairvoyance, destiny, alienation, solitude, memories, death. More…

Thus Were Their Faces

Thus Were Their Faces: Short story by Silvina OcampoIn this surreal, rather abstract story by Silvina Ocampo, a seemingly confused (or perhaps mentally disturbed) narrator describes the bizarre behavior of children at a boarding school. The students begin to act as if they want to become equal, and increasingly lose their individuality. Seemingly directed by a collective consciousness, they strive to look and act the same and develop a strange fascination with wings. In the “miraculous” climax, we learn that all children attending the school share a common characteristic: it is a school for the deaf! Themes include identity, equality, freedom, the supernatural. More…