
The Son

The Son: Short story by Horacio QuirogaIn this emotionally charged story by Horacio Quiroga, a thirteen-year-old boy goes hunting in woods near his home. He is well aware of the dangers associated with hunting alone, and competent in the use of a gun. The boy’s father, who is not well and suffers from hallucinations, becomes concerned when he does not return at the agreed time. Fearing the worst, he begins a frantic search, growing increasingly anxious until finding, or thinking he finds, the boy safe and unharmed. Themes include parental love, isolation, nature and survival, trust, anxiety, fear, illusion, death. More…

The Decapitated Chicken

The Decapitated Chicken: Short story by Horacio QuirogaIn this story by Horacio Quiroga a loving couple has four sons, each of whom soon degenerates into idiocy. The couple become bitter and resentful, each blaming the other for their sons’ congenital imbecility. When a daughter is born who does not share the condition, the parents ignore the boys, leaving them in the care of a servant who brutally mistreats them. One day the boys watch as the cook decapitates a chicken. Fascinated by the sight of blood, they later imitate the act with the only small ‘animal’ available. Themes include mental illness, despair, rejection and neglect, cruelty, violence. More…

The Feather Pillow

The Feather Pillow: Short story by Horacio QuirogaIn this story by Horacio Quiroga a healthy young woman slowly wastes away and dies over the three months following her wedding. Her husband’s impassive manner, coupled with spending her days alone in his cavernous, unwelcoming house, destroy her childhood fancies of married life. Her fate is sealed when she decides to cast a veil over her former dreams and live like a sleeping beauty in the hostile house. Later, we learn that it is not their house that is hostile, but her feather pillow. Themes include innocence, love and marriage, isolation and loneliness, disillusionment, depression and death. More…