
The Chrysanthemums

The Chrysanthemums: Short story by John SteinbeckIn this seemingly straightforward story by John Steinbeck, chrysanthemum-growing Elisa’s character can be interpreted in several, often contradictory, ways. Is she “strong and happy” as her husband says, or weak and disillusioned with her life? Does she crave companionship, intimacy and perhaps a child, or freedom? Is her fascination with chrysanthemums because of a special connection with nature, or because they represent the only joy in her life? Whatever the answers, after a smooth-talking tinker raises her self-esteem and then shatters it, Elisa’s tears signify her realization that nothing will change. Themes: isolation, loneliness, aesthetics, lack of fulfillment, betrayal. More…

The Pearl

The Pearl: Short story by John SteinbeckThis novella from John Steinbeck describes a battle between good and evil and exposes the best and worst in human nature. Sadly, evil wins out. An uneducated Mexican-Indian pearl diver from a poor fishing community outside a Spanish town dreams of a better life for his family after discovering a pearl as large as a sea-gull’s egg on the ocean floor. After multiple instances of townspeople trying to manipulate and cheat him and later, to violently steal the pearl, his dream turns into a tragic nightmare. Themes: family/community, racism, colonialism, oppression, materialism, greed, corruption, fate. More…


Flight: Short story by John SteinbeckThe major theme of this story by John Steinbeck is a young man’s quest for manhood. An unsophisticated nineteen-year-old from an isolated farm is given his first task as a “man” when his widowed mother sends him to town alone to buy medicine and other supplies. While staying overnight at the home of a family friend, he gets drunk and stabs a man in an argument. The inexperienced youth flees into the mountains where, in addition to his pursuers, he must face the perils of nature. Other themes: isolation, innocence, lack of composure/self-control, frontier justice, struggle, death. More…