In this story by Hernando Téllez, a corrupt mayor and police in an unnamed town, aided by a local informer, are systematically expelling (and presumably taking over the land of) residents who voted against the incumbent government in recent elections. A man and his wife courageously, or foolishly depending on how you look at it, resist. When the authorities come to evict them, they lock their doors and windows… only to be burnt alive after the police torch their house. Themes include power and control, corruption, betrayal, brutality, courage and sacrifice, choices and consequences. More…
Lather and Nothing Else
In this story by Hernando Téllez, a barber who secretly supports a revolutionary cause has a dilemma when an army captain who is particularly brutal in putting down the revolt asks for a shave. As the officer sits in the chair, the barber is torn between his professional duty (to give his customer the best possible shave), his revolutionary duty (to kill the captain, which will make him a hero but potentially force him to hide for the rest of his life), and moral qualms about murder. Themes include power and control, choices and consequences, violence, professionalism, duty, morality, trust. More…