
Another Pioneer

Another Pioneer: Novelette by David Foster WallaceThis story by David Foster Wallace comprises a single paragraph of over 9,100 words. A writer shares a tale he heard from a friend. A three-year-old boy in a paleolithic jungle tribe has the seemingly magical ability to correctly answer any question. The tribe prospers with his help, developing quickly from hunter-gatherers to embracing agriculture and animal husbandry. Upon reaching puberty, the boy’s answers become more philosophical, challenging questioners and the tribe’s ancient beliefs. Fear on both sides leads to either his, or the tribe’s destruction. Themes include storytelling, superstition, the destructive power of knowledge, self-consciousness, social class/caste, greed, fear. More…

The Soul is Not a Smithy

The Soul is Not a Smithy: Novella by David Foster WallaceIn this story by David Foster Wallace, a man looks back to a day when, as a “slow” nine-year-old student, he daydreamed his way through a Civics class by making up stories based on visual clues he saw while staring out the window. Oblivious to the growing panic of classmates as a deranged substitute teacher wrote KILL, KILL THEM, KILL THEM ALL repeatedly on the chalkboard, he remained sitting after the other students fled. A major theme is fear of disappointment and lack of fulfilment in adult life. Other themes include childhood trauma, violence, pain and loss, time, memory, death. More…

Incarnations of Burned Children

Incarnations of Burned Children: Short story by David Foster WallaceIf you haven’t read anything by David Foster Wallace before, this is a good story to start with. Known for his long, intricate passages including many seemingly inconsequential details, the story is a single paragraph of over 1,100 words. In one of a parent’s worst nightmares, a toddler is scalded by a fallen pot of boiling water. Its father reacts quickly, going through stages of calmness, anger and panic as he realizes he missed a crucial detail that may ruin the child’s future. Themes include parenthood, neglect, pain and suffering, blame, regret. More…