This story by M. Shanmughalingam is in two parts. The first is a humorous description of pre-World War 2 goings-on at one of Kuala Lumpur’s most prestigious secondary schools. Told from the point of view of an “old school” disciplinarian English teacher, it has a Monty Python-like ring to it. The second deals with the brutality and privation associated with Japanese occupation and how, thanks to a home-made kimono and a few words of Japanese, the Tigress of Asia (the teacher’s wife) saves his life. Themes include colonialism, the power of language, suffering, courage, resilience.
For me, a fascinating aspect of the story is how Vickneswari rationalized the Japanese occupation as being a possible long-term benefit to the region because it helped the population realize what Asians can achieve: During the British times we Asians were employed only in junior posts. The British colonialists kept us down in subtle ways. Now we have to bow physically to the Japanese but we can be promoted to senior positions.
Victoria and Her Kimono Text / PDF (5,800 words)