A Wife’s Story

A Wife's Story: Short story by Bharati MukherjeeThis story by Bharati Mukherjee explores the cultural transformation that occurs when the wife of an Indian textile executive moves to New York on a two-year scholarship to complete a doctoral degree. The freedom she experiences when no longer bound by the traditions and strict social conventions of her homeland allows her to find her identity. The change is emphasized as she accompanies her husband around the city during a short visit partway through the course, and raises the question of how she will fare upon return to India. Themes include identity, communication, culture clash, gender roles, liberation.

Panna’s transformation is demonstrated in the opening section of the story, where she attends a play with male friend Imre. She stands up for herself when the man sitting next to her “exploits her space”, and allows Imre to physically comfort her (put his arm around her shoulder) when she takes offence at jokes in the play about Indian immigrants. Later, she allows Imre to hold her hand as they walk in the street, and spontaneously hugs him when he tries to cheer her up. Her friendship with Imre is purely platonic, but such contact would be considered scandalous in India.

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