
Blow-Up: Short story by Julio CortázarAfter a commentary on the role of perspective and the art of storytelling, this Julio Cortázar story goes on to describe how an amateur photographer captures an image that seemingly comes alive, rewriting its narrative. While taking the photograph (of an adolescent boy in an obviously uncomfortable discussion with an adult woman) he comes up with several possible interpretations of what is taking place and what may happen afterwards. Things take a dark turn when he realizes that a man in a nearby car is part of the narrative. Themes include storytelling, narrative perspective, speculation, obsession, artistic imagery vs. reality.

The story draws parallels between the difficulty of faithfully translating abstract ideas, and the problems in accurately describing a scene to a reader. It also highlights how creating an imagined backstory for things we see is part of human consciousness, and the limits of the cliché the camera never lies.

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