The Devoted Son

The Devoted Son: Short story by Anita DesaiThis heartbreaking story from Anita Desai begins with a working-class Indian father’s proudest moment. His son, always exceedingly respectful to his parents, has topped the country at medical school. The son becomes a highly successful doctor, and fulfills his familial duty by caring for his parents in their old age. As the father’s mental and physical health wanes, their relationship changes. The son ceases to respect his father’s wishes, and implements a harsh treatment plan that includes progressive denial of the old man’s few remaining pleasures in life. Themes: sacrifice, success, respect, envy, rituals/traditions, aging with dignity, devotion vs. duty.

An interesting question raised in the story is just how devoted (i.e. loving and caring) is the son to his parents. He shows little warmth towards them over the years, and his treatment of his father in old age is more clinical than compassionate. Could the title refer to the son’s devotion to his career, and the respect shown towards and care provided for his parents be primarily out of a sense of duty?

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