Folktales, Legends & Myths
Note: Some of these links will take you to the pages of related folktales in which the story also appears.
- The Adventures of Juan (Philippines)
- The Aged Mother (Japan)
- Agkon, the Greedy Son (Philippines)
- All Kinds of Fur (Germany)
- Aschenputtel / The Little Ash Girl (Germany)
- The Ass, the Table and the Stick (England)
- Aunty Misery (Puerto Rico)
- Bluebeard (France)
- The Bremen Town Musicians (Germany)
- Briar-Rose (Germany)
- The Bunyip (Australia)
- Cap O’ Rushes (England)
- Cat and Mouse in Partnership (Germany)
- Cenerentola (Italy)
- Clever Elsie (Germany)
- Costantino Fortunato (Italy)
- Diamond Cuts Diamond (India)
- Diamond Cuts Diamond (Thailand)
- Donkey Skin (France)
- The Egyptian Miracle Worker (Greece)
- Fairy Ointment (England)
- The False Prince and True (Portugal)
- The Feathered Ogre (Italy)
- Federigo’s Falcon (Italy)
- The Fish and the Ring (Scotland)
- A Fish Story (Australia)
- The Fisherman and His Wife (Germany)
- The Frog (Italy)
- Gamani-canda (India)
- God’s Food (Germany)
- The Golden Goose (Germany)
- The Golden Nugget (Japan)
- Gudbrand on the Hillside (Norway)
- The Heart of a Monkey (Africa)
- The Homecoming (China)
- How Suan Became Rich (Philippines)
- Hudden and Dudden (Ireland)
- The Indian and the Hundred Cows (American Southwest)
- The Invisible Cloth (Spain)
- The Jogi’s Punishment (India)
- Kate Crackernuts (Scotland)
- King Thrushbeard (France)
- Lazy Jack (England)
- The Legend of Nai Raeng (Thailand)
- Little Ash Girl (Germany)
- Little Brother and Little Sister (Germany)
- Little Red Cap (Germany)
- The Master Thief (Germany)
- The Master Thief (Norway)
- The Mispaired Anklet (India)
- Mr Miacca (England)
- Molly Whuppie (Scotland)
- Momotarō (Japan)
- The Monkey and the Crocodile (India)
- The Monkey’s Heart (India)
- Peter Klaus the Goatherd (Germany)
- Phikul Thong (Thailand)
- Rhampsinit and the Master Thief (Egypt)
- Rumpelstiltskin (Germany)
- The Secret Room (USA)
- The She-Bear (Italy)
- The Shifty Lad (Ireland)
- Smells and Jingles (Japan)
- The Stone Cutter (Japan)
- Sweet Porridge (Germany)
- Sun, Moon, and Talia (Italy)
- A Tale of the Tontlawald (Estonia)
- Tam & Cam (Vietnam)
- The Three Sillies (England)
- The Three Wonderful Beggars (Serbia)
- Toads and Diamonds (France)
- Tom Tit Tot (England)
- The Twelve Months (Czechoslovakia)
- The Two Cakes (Italy)
- The Two Frogs (Japan)
- The Voice of Death (Romania)
- Waters of Gold (China)
- We Are All One (China)
- Why Fishes Inhabit the Water (Australia)
- Wise Folks (Germany)
- Wishing-Table, Gold-Ass & Cudgel (Germany)
- Yeh-Shin / Ye Xian (China)