This story by Filipino writer Nick Joaquin takes place over the final two days of a “hybrid” religious festival. Because both take place over the summer solstice, the Catholic feast of St John and pagan Tadtarin fertility rituals are celebrated together. Tadtarin is performed exclusively by women (or men dressed up as women), invoking their power to ensure a bountiful harvest. Events lead to an unsettling climax where a usually submissive wife pitilessly humiliates her rich landowner husband. Themes include gender stereotypes (especially male domination and cruelty towards women) and cultural changes brought about by Westernization. More…
May Day Eve
The major theme of this story by Nick Joaquin is that happy marriages don’t happen by magic; they require a foundation of mutual respect and constant effort on both sides. A wealthy, controlling man marries a beautiful, feisty, free-spirited woman. Set in late 1800s Philippines under Spanish (Catholic) rule, there is no way out as things go wrong. The woman likens their marriage to living in hell. Her resulting bitterness prompts the vindictive man to label her a witch. After her death, he breaks into tears when thinking about what might have been. Other themes: superstition, compatibility, aging, death, regret. More…
A Pilgrim Yankee’s Progress
Set shorty after Philippine liberation at the end of World War 2, this rather intense story by Nick Joaquin deals with the uneasy relationship between a Filipino family recovering from the trauma of the war and an American soldier visiting the grave of an uncle who died during the Spanish-American War. The major theme is cultural relativism: how misunderstandings can arise when people of different races and upbringings interpret events purely from their own cultural perspective or expectations. Both parties fall for this trap. Other themes include connections between past and present, colonialism, Puritanical idealism, self-reflection and awareness. More…