Letter From an Unknown Woman

Letter From an Unknown Woman: Short story by Stefan ZweigIn this moving story by Stefan Zweig, a playboy writer receives a letter from a lovesick, dying woman. She has worshipped him all her life, they have had two brief dalliances, and she has borne his son. Yet he has no idea who she is! Until their son was born, he was the sole focus of her life; for him, she didn’t exist. Readers are left with a question. If she loved him so much, why send a letter that may haunt him for the rest of his days? Themes: philandering, obsessive love, sacrifice, passion, suffering, confession, death.

Video Version

This highly acclaimed 1948 full-length movie follows the story fairly closely. An early exception is that “R.” is portrayed as a concert pianist and not a writer. The biggest change is that the woman is given a more respectable later life: married to a rich, understanding gentleman instead of making a living as a high-class prostitute. Watch and enjoy!

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