Sir Mohan Lal, the pretentious high-ranking Indian official in this story by Khushwant Singh, is caught between two cultures. After rejecting his heritage and aspiring to identify with the British ruling class, he cannot escape his “Indian-ness”. His self-important behaviour is contrasted with that of his wife, who he treats with disdain but passively accepts her lot. Ironically, his humiliating treatment on a train (being unceremoniously thrown out of his first class carriage by two drunken British soldiers) highlights the dark side of the world he aspires to. Themes include identity, cultural alienation, social class, colonialism, narcissism, prejudice, humiliation. More…
Category Archives: Short Stories
A Sound of Thunder
What is the most dangerous thing about time travel? According to this story by Ray Bradbury, it is doing some small thing that may change the future. Five men travel back in time to hunt a T-Rex. One of them panics when he sees the monster and steps off a specially prepared path. Because of this, they return to a very different world. The last thing the clumsy hunter hears is a sound of thunder. Themes: arrogance, cowardice, the dangers of technology, connections between past and present, democracy vs. dictatorship, the ethics of game hunting. More…