
The Emperor’s New Clothes

The Emperor's New Clothes: children's story by from Hans Christian AndersenThe main theme of this famous children’s story from Hans Christian Andersen is, of course, vanity. Other themes include deceit, gullibility, honesty (fear of speaking up) and pride. The Emperor who puts appearance before the well-being of his people, and his courtiers who sense that something is amiss but don’t have the courage to report it, carry two important messages. We shouldn’t judge people by the clothes they wear, what brand of phone they carry etc., and children should be encouraged to speak up if safe to do so when they see something that is wrong. More…

What the Old Man Does is Always Right

What the Old Man Does is Always Right: Danish folktale from Hans Christian AndersenThis story by Hans Christian Andersen is about an old man and his loving wife who never sees a problem with anything he does. The only thing they own of any value is a horse, which they decide to sell or trade for something more useful. The man sets off for town and, after several trades along the way, comes home with a bag of rotten apples. As always, his wife was delighted with the result. Andersen called this story one of his best ever tales… but was it really his work? More…

The Nightingale

The Nightingale: Children's story by H. C. AndersenIn this story by Hans Christian Andersen, a nightingale living near the palace of the Chinese Emperor sings so beautifully that it becomes famous all over the world. The Emperor loves the nightingale’s song so much that he makes a home for it in the palace. One day the Japanese Emperor sends him a mechanical bird covered in jewels that can sing as well as the nightingale. He replaces the live bird with the mechanical one, and does not come to appreciate the love of the real nightingale until close to death. Themes: artificial vs. natural beauty, friendship, betrayal, loyalty. More…

The Fir Tree

The Fir Tree: Children's story by H C AndersenThis story by the Danish poet and writer Hans Christian Andersen is about a tree that grows up never being satisfied with its life. There is only one day in the tree’s life (a Christmas Eve) that it feels truly happy. After Christmas, people throw it into a dark attic. While waiting for what comes next, the tree realizes there were many other good things in its life that should have been enjoyed. It is excited when finally brought out into the sun, only to meet a sad end that will make you never want a real Christmas tree again. More…

The Little Match Seller

The Little Match Seller: Children's story by H C AndersenAlthough quite short, this well-known story by Danish poet and writer Hans Christian Andersen is one of the saddest Festive Season stories ever told. A cruel father sends his little girl out into the snow to sell matches. She crouches between two buildings, afraid to go home because she hasn’t made any sales. As she imagines the people inside their warm houses getting ready for a big New Year’s dinner, a vision of her beloved grandmother appears to take her to a better place. Sadly, child labor and poor people freezing to death still occur in the world today. More…