Short Stories A-Z
Don’t have much time? Stories marked are very short and can usually be read in less than five minutes.
- 2BR02B (Kurt Vonnegut)
- The 13-Carat Diamond (Khin Myo Chit)
- The 400-Pound CEO (George Saunders)
- A&P (John Updike)
- A. V. Laider (Max Beerbohm)
- Absalom’s Hair (Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson)
- Absit (Angélica Gorodischer)
- Adam and Eve and Pinch Me (A. E. Coppard)
- The Address (Marga Minco)
- An Adulterous Woman (Albert Camus)
- The Adventure of the Dancing Men (Arthur Conan Doyle)
- The Adventure of the Empty House (Arthur Conan Doyle)
- The Adventure of the Speckled Band (Arthur Conan Doyle)
- African Passions (Beatriz Rivera)
- Africans (Sheila Kohler)
- After the Ball / Dance (Leo Tolstoy)
- After Twenty Years (O. Henry)
- Aftermath (Mary Yukari Waters)
- The Age of Lead (Margaret Atwood)
- Ahoy, Sailor Boy! (A. E. Coppard)
- The Aleph (Jorge Luis Borges)
- The Alienist (Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis)
- All About Suicide (Luisa Valenzuela)
- All at One Point (Italo Calvino)
- All Over the World (Vicente Rivera)
- All Summer in a Day (Ray Bradbury)
- All the King’s Horses (Kurt Vonnegut)
- All You Zombies (Robert Heinlein)
- Almost No Memory (Lydia Davis)
- The Ambitious Guest (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
- America and I (Anzia Yezierske)
- The American Embassy (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie)
- Amnnesty (Octavia E. Butler)
- Amnnesty (Jose Dalisay, Jr.)
- Amnnesty (Nadine Gordimer)
- Anandi (Ghulam Abbas)
- And of Clay Are We Created (Isabel Allende)
- Animal Farm (George Orwell)
- Animal Stories (Jason Brown)
- Annie’s Day (Andy Weir)
- Another Kind of Life (Roderick Finlayson)
- Another Pioneer (David Foster Wallace)
- Answer (Fredric Brown)
- The Answer is No (Naguib Mahfouz)
- The Ant and the Grasshopper (W. Somerset Maugham)
- Anxiety (Grace Paley)
- April in Paris (Ursula Le Guin)
- Aquifer (Tim Winton)
- Arabesque the Mouse (A. E. Coppard)
- Araby (James Joyce)
- The Argentine Ant (Italo Calvino)
- Armistice (Bernard Malamud)
- The Artist / Painter (Rabindranath Tagore)
- Ashes for the Wind (Hernando Tellez)
- An Astrologer’s Day (R. K. Narayan)
- Astronomer’s Wife (Kay Boyle)
- At Dead Dingo (Henry Lawson)
- At The ‘Cadian Ball (Kate Chopin)
- At The Jim Bridger (Ron Carlson)
- At The Pitt-Rivers (Penelope Lively)
- At War’s End: An Elegy (Rony V. Diaz)
- Autobiography of Irene (Silvina Ocampo)
- The Autopsy / The Dissection (Georg Heym)
- Average Waves in Unprotected Waters (Ane Tyler)
- Awful Fate of Melpomenus Jones (Stephen Leacock)
- Axolotl (Julio Cortázar)
- Babette’s Feast (Isak Dinesen)
- The Babus of Nayanjore (Rabindrath Tagore)
- The Baby (Donald Barthelme)
- Baby H.P. (Juan José Arreola)
- Babycakes (Neil Gaiman)
- Babylon Revisited (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
- The Bakery Attack (Haruki Murakami)
- The Balek Scales (Heinrich Böll)
- The Balloon (Donald Barthelme)
- Bang-bang You’re Dead (Muriel Spark)
- The Barber’s Trade Union (Mulk Raj Anand)
- Barcelona (Alice Adams)
- Barn Burning (William Faulkner)
- Barney (Will Stanton)
- Bartleby the Scrivener (Herman Melville)
- Battle Royal (Ralph Ellison)
- The Bear (William Faulkner)
- Bears Discover Fire (Terry Bisson)
- The Beast in the Jungle (Henry James)
- The Beautiful People (Charles Beaumont)
- Because He Loved Them (Samira Azzam)
- Because My Father Always Said He Was the Only Indian Who Saw Jimi Hendrix Play ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ at Woodstock (Sherman Alexi)
- Beggar My Neighbor (Dan Jacobson
- The Beginning of Homewood (John Edgar Wideman)
- The Best Girlfriend You Never Had (Pam Houston)
- The Bet (Anton Chekhov)
- Beware of the Dog (Roald Dahl)
- Beyond the Wall of Sleep (H. P. Lovecraft)
- Bible / A White Bible (Tobias Wolff)
- Big Black Good Man (Richard Wright)
- Big Blonde (Dorothy Parker)
- Big Brother, Little Sister (Witi Ihimaera)
- Bigfoot Stole My Wife (Ron Carlson)
- The Birds (Daphne du Maurier)
- The Birthmark (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
- Birthmates (Gish Jen)
- Black Boy (Kay Boyle)
- The Black Cat (Egar Allan Poe)
- Black Is My Favorite Color (Bernard Malamud)
- Black Tickets (Jayne Anne Phillips)
- Blackberry Winter (Robert Penn Warren)
- Blacksoil Country (David Malouf)
- Bliss (Katherine Mansfield)
- Blood-Buring Moon (Jean Toomer)
- Bloodchild (Octavia E. Butler)
- The Bloody Chamber (Angela Carter)
- Blow-Up (Julio Cortázar)
- The Blue Jar (Isak Dinesen)
- The Blues I’m Playing (Langston Hughes)
- The Boarded Window (Ambrose Bierce)
- The Bog Man (Margaret Atwood)
- The Boogeyman (Stephen King)
- The Book of Sand (Jorge Luis Borges)
- Born of Man and Woman (Richard Matheson)
- Borrowing a Match (Stephen Leacock)
- The Bottom-Pincher (Khushwant Singh)
- Boule de Suif / Ball of Fat (Guy de Maupassant)
- The Bound Man (Ilse Achinger)
- A Boy and His Dog (Harlan Ellison)
- The Boy Who Broke the Bank (Ruskin Bond)
- Boys and Girls (Alice Munro)
- The Boy in the Tunnel (Sait Faik Abasıyanık)
- Bread (Margaret Atwood)
- Bread of Sacrifice (Samira Azzam)
- Breakfast at Tiffany’s (Truman Capote)
- The Bridal March (Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson)
- The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky (Stephen Crane)
- The Bridge on the Zepa (Ivo Andrić)
- The Bridegroom (Nadine Gordimer)
- Bright and Morning Star (Richard Wright)
- Brokeback Mountain (Annie Proulx)
- Brownies (ZZ Packer)
- The Budget (Mario Benedetti)
- Bullet in the Brain (Tobias Wolff)
- Burning in the Rain (Dambudzo Marechera)
- Bus Driver Who Wanted to be God (Etgar Keret)
- The Butler (Roald Dahl)
- Button, Button (Richard Matheson)
- By the Waters of Babylon (Stephen Benét)
- The Californian’s Tale (Mark Twain)
- The Call of the Wild (Jack London)
- Camp Cataract (Jane Bowles)
- Can-Can (Arturo Vivante)
- The Canal (Richard Yates)
- The Canterville Ghost (Oscar Wilde)
- Carmilla (Sheridan Le Fanu)
- Caroline’s Wedding (Edwidge Danticat)
- A Cask of Amontillado (Edgar Allan Poe)
- The Cat from Hell (Stephen King)
- Cat in the Rain (Ernest Hemingway)
- The Catbird Seat (James Thurber)
- Cathedral (Raymond Carver)
- The Celebrated Jumping Frog (Mark Twain)
- Cell One (Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie)
- The Censors (Luisa Valenzuela)
- The Centaur (José Saramago)
- The Centipede (Rony V. Diaz)
- The Challenge (Mario Vargas Llosa)
- Champoon (Dhep Mahapaoraya)
- Charles (Shirley Jackson)
- The Chaser (John Collier)
- Cheap at Half the Price (Jeffrey Archer)
- The Chef (Andy Weir)
- Chickamauga (Ambrose Bierce)
- Children of the Ash-Covered Loam (N. V. M. Gonzalez)
- Children of the Corn (Stephen King)
- Children of the Sea (Edwidge Danticat)
- A Chip of Glass Ruby (Nadine Gordimer)
- Chivalry (Neil Gaiman)
- Christmas Not But Once a Year (Heinrich Böll)
- A Choice of Butchers (William Trevor)
- The Chosen Vessel (Barbara Baynton)
- Christmas Day in the Morning (Pearl Buck)
- A Christmas Memory (Truman Capote)
- Christmas Storms and Sunshine (Elizabeth Gaskell)
- A Christmas Story (Walter Dean Myers)
- The Chrysanthemums (John Steinbeck)
- Cicada (Camille Acker)
- A Circle in the Fire (Flannery O’Connor)
- The Circular Ruins (Jorge Luis Borges)
- A City of Churches (Donald Barthelme)
- City of Specters (Bandi)
- Civil Peace (Chinua Achebe)
- Clay (Juan T. Gatbonton)
- Clean Sweep Ignatius (Jeffrey Archer)
- A Clean Well-Lighted Place (Ernest Hemingway)
- The Coffee-house of Surat (Leo Tolstoy)
- Cold Spring (Aharon Appelfeld)
- The Color Master (Aimee Bender)
- The Colour Out of Space (H. P. Lovecraft)
- The Company of Wolves (Angela Carter)
- The Cone (H. G. Wells)
- Confessions of a Shinagawa Monkey (Haruki Murakami)
- Contents of the Dead Man’s Pockets (Jack Finney)
- The Continuity of Parks (Julio Cortázar)
- A Conversation From the Third Floor (Mahomed El-Bisatie)
- A Conversation With My Father (Grace Paley)
- The Conversion of the Jews (Philip Roth)
- The Cop and the Anthem (O. Henry)
- Counterfeit Bills (Richard Matheson)
- A Country Doctor (Franz Kafka)
- The Country Husband (John Cheever)
- The Country of the Blind (H. G. Wells)
- The Cow of the Barricades (Raja Rao)
- The Cranes (Peter Meinke)
- Cranes (Hwang Sun-won)
- Crazy Sunday (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
- The Crocodile’s Lady (Manoj Das)
- The Crooked Man (Charles Beaumont)
- Crossing the Zbrucz (Isaac Babel)
- A Cup of Tea (Katherine Mansfield)
- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
- The Custodian (Deborah Eisenberg)
- The Daffodil Sky (H. E. Bates)
- Dahong Palay (Arturo B. Rotor)
- Dante and the Lobster (Samuel Beckett)
- The Darling (Anton Chekhov)
- A Day Goes By (Luigi Pirandello)
- A Day in the Dark (Elizabeth Bowen)
- The Day the Dancers Came (Bienvenido Santos)
- Day of the Butterfly (Alice Munro)
- A Day’s Wait (Ernest Hemingway)
- The Dead (James Joyce)
- Dead Men’s Path (Chinua Achebe)
- Dead Stars (Paz Marquez Benitez)
- A Dead Woman’s Secret (Guy de Maupassant)
- Death by Scrabble (Charlie Fish)
- Death in the Woods (Sherwood Anderson)
- Death in Venice (Thomas Mann)
- The Death of a Government Clerk (Anton Chekhov)
- The Death of Ivan Ilyich (Leo Tolstoy)
- Debbie and Julie (Doris Lessing)
- The Decapitated Chicken (Horacio Quiroga)
- A Defenseless Creature (Anton Chekhov)
- The Demon Lover (Elizabeth Bowen)
- Désirée’s Baby (Kate Chopin)
- The Destructors (Graham Greene)
- The Devil (Guy de Maupassant)
- The Devil and Daniel Webster (Stephen Benét)
- The Devil and Tom Walker (Washington Irving)
- The Devoted Son (Anita Desai)
- Dharma (Vikram Chandra)
- The Diamond as Big as the Ritz (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
- Diamond Dust: A Tragedy (Anita Desai)
- The Diamond Mine (Willa Cather)
- Diary of a Madman (Nikolai Gogol)
- Diary of a Madman (Guy de Maupassant)
- Diary of a Madman (Lu Xun)
- The Difference (Ellen Glasgow)
- The Dinner Party (Mona Gardner)
- The Direction of the Road (Ursula Le Guin)
- Disorder and Early Sorrow (Thomas Mann)
- The Disk (Jorge Borges)
- The Distance of the Moon (Italo Calvino)
- The Distance to Andromeda (Gregorio C. Brillantes)
- The Distant Past (William Trevor)
- The District Doctor (Ivan Turgenev)
- Doc’s Story (John Edgar Wideman)
- The Doctor’s Word (R. K. Narayan)
- The Dog of Tithwal (Saadat Hasan Manto)
- Dog Star (Arthur C. Clarke)
- The Doll’s House (Katherine Mansfield)
- Dominoes (Jack Agüeros)
- Don’t Cry (Mary Gaitskill)
- Don’t Look Now (Daphne du Maurier)
- The Door in the Wall (H. G. Wells)
- Double Birthday (Willa Cather)
- Dr Heidegger’s Experiment (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
- The Dream of a Ridiculous Man (Fyodor Dostoevsky)
- Drinking Coffee Elsewhere (ZZ Packer)
- The Drover’s Wife (Henry Lawson)
- The Drowned Giant (J. G. Ballard)
- The Drummer Boy of Shiloh (Ray Bradbury)
- Dry September (William Faulkner)
- The Duchess and the Jeweller (Virginia Woolf)
- The Dunwich Horror (H. P. Lovecraft)
- Dusk (James Salter)
- Dusky Ruth (A. E. Coppard)
- Earthmen Bearing Gifts (Fredric Brown)
- Easthound (Nalo Hopkinson)
- The Eatonville Anthology (Zora Neale Hurston)
- The Egg (Sherwood Anderson)
- The Egg (Andy Weir)
- Elbow Room (James Alan McPherson)
- Eleonora (Edgar Allan Poe)
- The Elephant Vanishes (Haruki Murakami)
- Emergency (Denis Johnson)
- The Empty House (Algernon Blackwood)
- The Encyclopedia of the Dead (Danilo Kiš)
- The End of Something (Ernest Hemingway)
- End of the Game (Julio Cortázar)
- The End of the Party (Graham Greene)
- The End of the World Dino Buzzati)
- The End of Old Horse (Simon J. Ortiz)
- The English Pupil (Andrea Barrett)
- The Enormous Radio (John Cheever)
- The Erlking (Angela Carter)
- Escapes (Joy Williams)
- The Eskimo Connection (Hisaye Yamamoto)
- Eveline (James Joyce)
- Evening Primrose (John Collier)
- Everyday Use (Alice Walker)
- Everyone Cried (Lydia Davis)
- Everything That Rises Must Converge (Flannery O’Connor)
- Exchanging Glances (Christa Wolf)
- The Extravagant Behavior of the Naked Woman (Josefina Estrada)
- Exchange Value (Charles Johnson)
- Extra (Yiyun Li)
- The Eye (Paul Bowles)
- The Eyes Have It (Philip Dick)
- The Eyes Have It / Girl on a Train (Ruskin Bond)
- Eyes of a Blue Dog (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
- A Face in the Dark (Ruskin Bond)
- The Faith Cure Man (Paul Dunbar)
- Faith, Love, Time and Dr Lazzaro (Gregorio C. Brillantes)
- The Faithful Wife (Morley Callaghan)
- The Fall of Edward Barnard (W. Somerset Maugham)
- The Fall of the House of Usher (Edgar Allan Poe)
- The Falling Girl (Dino Buzzatti)
- The Far and the Near (Thomas Wolfe)
- Farewell to a Ghost (Manoj Das)
- Fat (Raymond Carver)
- The Fat Girl (Andre Dubus)
- Father Against Mother (Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis)
- A Father-To-Be (Saul Bellow)
- Fatso (Etgar Keret)
- The Feather Pillow (Horacio Quiroga)
- The Fence (Hamsad Rangkuti)
- Fever (John Edgar Wideman)
- The Fiddler (Herman Melville)
- Filboid Studge (Saki)
- Filial Sentiments of a Parricide (Marcel Proust)
- The Final Problem (Arthur Conan Doyle)
- First Confession (Frank O’Connor)
- The First Law (Asimov)
- The First Seven Years (Bernard Malamud)
- The First Year of My Life (Muriel Spark)
- The Five-Forty-Eight (John Cheever)
- Five-Twenty (Patrick White)
- Fleur (Louise Erdrich)
- Flight (John Steinbeck)
- The Flight (Kamala Das)
- Flowering Judas (Katherine Porter)
- The Flowers (Alice Walker)
- Flowers for Algernon (Daniel Keyes)
- The Fly (Katherine Mansfield)
- Flying Home (Ralph Ellison)
- The Flying Machine (Ray Bradbury)
- Folie a Deux (William Trevor)
- For Esmé with Love and Squalor (J. D. Salinger)
- Foreign Shores (James Salter)
- The Fortune Teller (Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis)
- Forty-Five a Month (R. K. Narayan)
- Fountains in the Rain (Yukio Mishima)
- Four O’clock (Price Day)
- Four Summers (Joyce Carol Oates)
- A Game of Cards (Witi Ihimaera)
- Games at Twilight (Anita Desai)
- The Garden of Forking Paths (Jorge Borges)
- The Garden of Stubborn Cats (Italo Calvino)
- The Garden Party (Katherine Mansfield)
- Geraldo No Last Name (Sandra Cisneros)
- The Ghost of Michael Jackson (Ngugi Wa Thiong’o)
- The Ghost upon the Rail (John Lang)
- Ghosts (Edwidge Danticat)
- Gift of the Magi (O. Henry)
- The Gilded Six-Bits (Zora Neale Hurston)
- Gimpel the Fool (Isaac Bashevis Singer)
- The Gioconda Smile (Aldous Huxley)
- Girl (Jamaica Kincaid)
- A Girl Like Phyl (Patricia Highsmith)
- The Girls (Joy Williams)
- The Glass of Milk (Manuel Rojas)
- Gloria’s Saturday (Mario Benedetti)
- Glory (Lesley Nneka Arimah)
- God Sees the Truth, But Waits (Leo Tolstoy)
- The Gold of Tomás Vargas (Isabel Allende)
- The Gold-legged Frog (Khamsing Srinawk)
- The Golden Honeymoon (Ring Lardner)
- The Golden Kite, the Silver Wind (Ray Bradbury)
- Good Advice is Rarer than Rubies (Salman Rushdie)
- The Good Doctor (Adam Haslett)
- A Good Man is Hard to Find (Flannery O’Connor)
- A Good Scent from a Strange Mountain (Robert Olen Butler)
- The Good Shopkeeper (Samrat Upadhyay)
- Goodbye, Columbus (Philip Roth)
- The Goophered Grapevine (Charles W Chesnutt)
- Gooseberries (Anton Chekhov)
- The Grand Inquisitor (Fyodor Dostoevsky)
- Grandfather’s Story (Catherine Lim)
- The Grandmother (K. Surangkhanang)
- Grasshopper & the Bell Cricket (Yasunari Kawabata)
- The Grave (Katherine Anne Porter)
- Greasy Lake (T. C. Boyle)
- Great Day (David Malouf)
- A Great Day (Frank Sargeson)
- The Greatest Gift (Philip Van Doren Stern)
- Greatness Strikes Where It Pleases (Lars Gustafsson)
- The Green Door (O. Henry)
- The Green Leaves (Grace Ogot)
- Greyhound People (Alice Adams)
- The Guest (Albert Camus)
- Guests of the Nation (Frank O’Connor)
- A Guide to Berlin (Vladimir Nabokov)
- The Guilty Party (O. Henry)
- Gusev (Anton Chekhov)
- The Hack Driver (Sinclair Lewis)
- Haircut (Ring Lardner)
- The Half-Skinned Steer (Annie Proulx)
- Half a Day (Naguib Mahfouz)
- Halfway to the Moon (Vasily Aksyonov)
- A Handful of Dates (Tayeb Salih)
- Han’s Crime (Shiga Naoya)
- Hands (Sherwood Anderson)
- The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
- A Hanging (George Orwell)
- The Happiest I’ve Been (John Updike)
- Happy Endings (Margaret Atwood)
- Harrison Bergeron (Kurt Vonnegut)
- The Harvest (Tomás Rivera)
- A Haunted House (Virgina Woolf)
- He (Katherine Porter)
- Heart of Darkness (Joseph Conrad)
- Hearts and Hands (O. Henry)
- Heat (Joyce Carol Oates)
- The Heathen (Jack London)
- The Heavenly Christmas Tree (Fyodor Dostoevsky)
- Heavy-Set (Ray Bradbury)
- The Hell Screen (Ryunosuke Akutagawa)
- Henne Fire (Isaac Bashevis Singer)
- Her Mother (Anjana Appachana)
- Here We Are (Dorothy Parker)
- Here We Aren’t, So Quickly (Jonathan Foer)
- Here’s Your Hat What’s Your Hurry (Elizabeth McCracken)
- Hermann the Irascible (Saki)
- He-y Come On Ou-t (Shinichi Hoshi)
- The Higgler (A. E. Coppard)
- Hills Like White Elephants (Ernest Hemingway)
- The Hit Man (T. C. Boyle)
- The Hitchhiking Game (Milan Kundera)
- The Holiday (Lily Brett)
- Holiday (Katherine Porter)
- Home (Anton Chekhov)
- A Home near the Sea (Kamala Das)
- The Home-Coming (Rabindranath Tagore)
- The Homecoming / A Puja Story (Banaphool)
- Homecoming (Carlos Bulosan)
- The Homecoming Stranger (Bei Dao)
- The Homemaker (Ismat Chughtai)
- Hominids (Jill McCorkle)
- A Horse and Two Goats (R. K. Narayan)
- The Horse Dealer’s Daughter (D. H. Lawrence)
- A Horse in the Moon (Luigi Pirandello)
- A Horseman in the Sky (Ambrose Bierce)
- The Hospice (Robert Aikman)
- Hot Ice (Stuart Dybek)
- The House on Mango Street (Sandra Cisneros)
- The House Opposite (R. K. Narayan)
- House Taken Over (Julio Cortázar)
- How I Contemplated the World from the Detroit House of Correction and Began My Life Over Again (Joyce Carol Oates)
- How Much Land Does a Man Need? (Leo Tolstoy)
- How Muster-Master Stoneman Earned his Breakfast (William Astley)
- How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife (Manuel E. Aguilla)
- How Sweet it is to Die in the Sea (José Eduardo Agualusa)
- How to Tell a True War Story (Tim O’Brien)
- A Hunger Artist (Franz Kafka)
- The Hungry Stones (Rabindranath Tagore)
- Hunted Down (Charles Dickens)
- I am Bigfoot (Ron Carlson)
- I Could See the Smallest Things (Raymond Carver)
- I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (Harlan Ellison)
- I Stand Here Ironing (Tillie Olsen)
- Identities (W. D. Valgardson)
- Idyll (Guy de Maupassant)
- If I Forget Thee, Oh Earth (Arthur C. Clarke)
- If You Sing Like That for Me (Akhil Sharma)
- The Imitation of the Rose (Clarice Lispector)
- Immigration Blues (Bienvenido Santos)
- Immortality (Yiyun Li)
- Imp of the Perverse (Edgar Allan Poe)
- In a Grove (Ryunosuke Akutagawa)
- In Another Country (Ernest Hemingway)
- In Search of Epifano (Rudolfo Anaya)
- In the Cemetery Where Al Jolson Died (Amy Hempel)
- In the Family (Maria Elena Llana)
- In the Garden (Jose Dalisay, Jr.)
- In the Garden of the North American Martyrs (Tobias Wolff)
- In the Kindergarten (Ha Jin)
- In the Middle of the Fields (Mary Lavin)
- In the Night (Jamaica Kincaid)
- In the Penal Colony (Franz Kafka)
- In the Shadow of War (Ben Okri)
- In the Tunnel (Mavis Gallant)
- In the Withaak’s Shade (Herman Bosman)
- In the Zoo (Jean Stafford)
- Incarnations of Burned Children (David Foster Wallace)
- Indian Camp (Ernest Hemingway)
- The Indian Uprising (Donald Barthelme)
- Inem (Pramoedya Anata Toer)
- The Interlopers (Saki)
- Interpreter of Maladies (Jhumpa Lahiri)
- The Intoxicated Years (Mariana Enriquez)
- Islands (Alexsander Hemon)
- Jacklighting (Anne Beattie)
- A January Night / Poos Ki Raat (Premchand)
- Janus (Ann Beattie)
- The Japanese Quince (John Galsworthy)
- Javni (Raja Rao)
- The Jay (Yasunari Kawabata)
- Jaycee (Fredric Brown) ⏱
- Jealous Husband Returns in Form of Parrot (Robert Olen Butler)
- Jeeves Takes Charge (P. G. Wodehouse)
- Jeffty is Five (Harlan Ellison)
- The Jewels / False Gems (Guy de Maupassant)
- The Jilting of Granny Weatherall (Katherine Porter)
- Johnny Mnemonic (William Gibson)
- A Joke (Anton Chekhov)
- The Jolly Corner (Henry James)
- Journey into a Dark Heart (Peter Høeg)
- The Judgment (Franz Kafka)
- The Jungle (Elizabeth Bowen)
- A Jury of Her Peers (Susan Glaspell)
- Kabuliwallah (Rabindranath Tagore)
- Kanakapala, Protector of Gold (Raja Rao)
- Karma (Khushwant Singh)
- Kew Gardens (Virginia Woolf)
- The Key (Isaac Bashevis Singer)
- Key Item (Isaac Asimov)
- The Khaki Coat (Nhat Tien)
- The Killers (Ernest Hemingway)
- Killings (Andre Dubus)
- The Kimono (H. E. Bates)
- The King is Dead, Long Live the King! (Mary Coleridge)
- The King of Jazz (Donald Barthelme)
- King of the Bingo Game (Ralph Ellison)
- The Kiss (Anton Chekhov)
- Kitchen (Banana Yoshimoto)
- The Kitemaker (Ruskin Bond)
- Knock (Fredric Brown)
- Korea (John McGahern)
- The Kugelmass Episode (Woody Allen)
- Kusum (Khushwant Singh)
- La Grande Breteche (Honoré de Balzac)
- The Lady With the Dog (Anton Chekhov)
- The Lagoon (Joseph Conrad)
- Lajwanti (Mulk Raj Anand)
- Lajwanti (Rajinder Singh Bedi)
- Lakshmi’s Adventure (Manoj Das)
- Lamb to the Slaughter (Roald Dahl)
- Land Deal (Gerald Murnane)
- The Landlady (Roald Dahl)
- Landscape with Flatiron (Haruki Murakami
- The Last Class / Lesson (Alphonse Daudet)
- Last Courtesies (Ella Leffland)
- Last Day at School (Giovanni Mosca)
- Last Evenings on Earth (Roberto Bolano)
- The Last Leaf (O. Henry)
- The Last Lovely City (Alice Adams)
- Last Night (James Salter)
- The Last Night of the World (Ray Bradbury)
- The Last Question (Isaac Asimov)
- The Last Rung on the Ladder (Stephen King)
- The Last Unicorns (Edward Hoch)
- Lather and Nothing Else (Hernando Tellez)
- The Laugher (Heinrich Böll)
- The Laughing Man (J. D. Salinger)
- The Law of Life (Jack London)
- The Leap (Louise Erdrich)
- The Learned Adventure of the Dragon’s Head (Dorothy Sayers)
- Leaving the Yellow House (Saul Bellow)
- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Washington Irving)
- Leiningen Versus the Ants (Carl Stephenson)
- Letter from an Unknown Woman (Stefan Zweig)
- Leter to a Young Lady in Paris (Julio Cortázar)
- A Letter to God (Gregorio Lopez Fuentes)
- The Library of Babel (Jorge Borges)
- Life (Bessie Head)
- The Life You Save May Be Your Own (Flannery O’Connor)
- The Lifted Veil (George Eliot)
- Like the Sun (R. K. Narayan)
- The Little Things (Samira Azzam)
- Little Whale, Varnisher of Reality (Vasily Aksyonov)
- The Loaded Dog (Henry Lawson)
- The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven
(Sherman Alexie) - The Long-Distance Runner (Grace Paley)
- Long Distance (Jane Smiley)
- Long Walk to Forever (Kurt Vonnegut)
- Look at All Those Roses (Elizabeth Bowen)
- Looking for a Rain-God (Bessie Head)
- Looking for Mr. Green (Saul Bellow)
- The Looking Glass (Anton Chekhov)
- Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime (Oscar Wilde)
- The Lost Child (Mulk Raj Anand)
- The Lottery (Margerie Barnard)
- The Lottery (Shirley Jackson)
- Love in the Cornhusks (Aida Rivera-Ford)
- Love Must Not Be Forgotten (Zhang Jie)
- The Love of My Life (T. C. Boyle)
- The Love Potion (Herman Bosman)
- The Lower Garden District Free Gravity Mule Blight (Ellen Gilchrist)
- Luba (Lily Brett)
- Luck (Mark Twain)
- The Luck of Roaring Camp (Bret Harte)
- Lullaby (Leslie Marmon Silko)
- The Lumber Room (Saki)
- The Machine Stops (E. M. Forster)
- The Machine That Won the War (Isaac Asimov)
- The Magic Barrel (Bernard Malamud)
- The Magic Shop (H. G. Wells)
- Magnificence (Estrella Alfon)
- Mammon and the Archer (O. Henry)
- The Man in the Black Suit (Stephen King)
- The Man from Mars (Margaret Atwood)
- Man from the South (Roald Dahl)
- The Man of the Crowd (Edgar Allan Poe)
- The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg (Mark Twain)
- The Man to Send Rain Clouds (Leslie Marmon Silko)
- The Man Who Could Work Miracles (H. G. Wells)
- A Man Who Had No Eyes (MacKinlay Kantor)
- The Man Who Lived Underground (Richard Wright)
- The Man Who Loved Flowers (Stephen King)
- The Man Who Was Almost a Man (Richard Wright)
- The Man with the Light (José Eduardo Agualusa)
- The Man with the Rose (Manuel Rojas)
- The Management of Grief (Bharati Mukherjee)
- A Manual for Cleaning Women (Lucia Berlin)
- Maria Concepción (Katherine Anne Porter)
- Mariah (Che Husna Azhari)
- Marigolds (Eugenia Collier)
- Marjorie Daw (Thomas Bailey Aldrich)
- The Mark of Vishnu (Khushwant Singh)
- Markheim (Robert Louis Stevenson)
- Marriage is a Private Affair (Chinua Achebe)
- Mary Postgate (Rudyard Kipling)
- The Mask of the Red Death (Edgar Allan Poe)
- Mateo Falcone (Prosper Mérimée)
- May Day Eve (Nick Joaquin)
- Meeting Mrinal (Chitra Divakaruni)
- Memsahib of Mandla (Khushwant Singh)
- Menagerie, A Child’s Fable (Charles Johnson)
- Meneseteung (Alice Munro)
- Metamorphosis (Franz Kafka)
- The Mesmerizer (Mark Twain)
- The Mezzotint (M. R. James)
- The Middleman (Bharati Mukherjee)
- Midnight Mass (Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis)
- Midsummer (Manuel E. Arguilla)
- A Mild Attack of Locusts (Doris Lessing)
- The Mill (H. E. Bates)
- The Million Pound Bank Note (Mark Twain)
- The Minister’s Black Veil (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
- The Minority Report (Philip Dick)
- Minutes of Glory (Ngugi Wa Thiong’o)
- Misery / The Lament (Anton Chekhov)
- Miss Brill (Katherine Mansfield)
- Miss Moberly’s Targets (Manoj Das)
- The Model Millionaire (Oscar Wilde)
- The Money Box (W. W. Jacobs)
- The Monkey’s Paw (W. W. Jacobs)
- Monster (Catherine Lim)
- The Moonlit Road (Ambrose Bierce)
- The Most Dangerous Game (Richard Connell)
- Moths in the Arc Light (Sinclair Lewis)
- The Mouse (Saki)
- Mr Know All (W. Somerset Maugham)
- Mrs Bathurst (Rudyard Kipling)
- Mrs Dutta Writes a Letter (Chitra Divakaruni)
- Mrs. Frola and Mr. Ponza, Her Son-in-Law (Luigi Pirandello)
- Mrs Geni in December (Arswendo Atmowiloto)
- Mrs Plum (Es’kia Mphahlele)
- Mrs Spring Fragrance (Sui Sin Far)
- A Municipal Report (O. Henry)
- The Murders in the Rue Morgue (Edgar Allan Poe)
- Music (Ellen Gilchrist)
- My First Goose (Isaac Babel)
- My Friend Luke (Fernando Sorrentino)
- My Jockey (Lucia Berlin)
- My Kinsman, Major Molineux (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
- My Life with the Wave (Octavio Paz)
- My Lord, the Baby / The Child’s Return (Rabindranath Tagore)
- My Milk Goes Dry (Minh Quan)
- My Name (Sandra Cisneros)
- My Oedipus Complex (Frank O’Connor)
- My Old Man (Ernest Hemingway)
- A Mystery of Heroism (Stephen Crane)
- The Mystery of the Missing Cap (Manoj Das)
- Naga (R. K. Narayan)
- Naming the Names (Anne Devlin)
- Native Land (Narcisco G. Reyes)
- The Necessary Grace to Fall (Gina Ochsner)
- The (Diamond) Necklace (Guy de Maupassant)
- Neighbor Rosicky (Willa Cather)
- Neighbours (Moe Moe)
- Neighbours (Tim Winton)
- The New Dress (Virginia Woolf)
- A New England Nun (Mary E. Wilkins Freeman)
- The New Food (Stephen Leacock)
- The News from Ireland (William Trevor)
- Night (Tatyana Tolstaya)
- Night Driver (Italo Calvino)
- The Night Face Up (Julio Cortázar)
- A Night in the Hills (Paz Marquez Benitez)
- A Night in the Life of a Mayor (Manoj Das)
- The Night of the Ugly Ones (Mario Benedetti)
- The Night the Bed Fell (James Thurber)
- The Night the Ghost Got In (James Thurber)
- Nightfall (Isaac Asimov)
- No Witchcraft for Sale (Doris Lessing)
- Noise Level (Raymond Jones)
- The Nose (Nicolai Gogol)
- Notes to My Biographer (Adam Haslett)
- Nothing Ever Breaks Except the Heart (Kay Boyle)
- Now That April’s Here (Morley Callaghan)
- A Nurse’s Story (Peter Baida)
- An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge (Ambrose Bierce)
- Odour of Chrysanthemums (D. H. Lawrence)
- Off (Aimee Bender)
- The Offshore Pirate (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
- Oh, Whistle and I’ll Come To You, My Lad (M. R. James)
- Old Aeson (Arthur Quiller-Couch)
- Old Love (Jeffrey Archer)
- The Old Man and the Sea (Ernest Hemingway)
- Old Man at the Bridge (Ernest Hemingway)
- Oliver’s Evolution (John Updike)
- On the Rainy River (Tim O’Brien)
- On the Way to Solomon’s Pools (Samira Azzam)
- Once Upon a Time (Nadine Gordimer)
- One Day (Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson )
- One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (Alexandr Solzhenitsyn)
- One of These Days (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
- One Ordinary Day, With Peanuts (Shirley Jackson)
- One Thousand Dollars (O. Henry)
- The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas (Ursula Le Guin)
- Only Goodness (Jhumpa Lahiri)
- Only the Dead Know Brooklyn (Thomas Wolfe)
- The Open Boat (Stephen Crane)
- The Open Window (Saki)
- The Ordinary Son (Ron Carlson)
- The Other (Jorge Borges)
- Other People (Neil Gaiman)
- The Other Wife / Woman (Colette)
- The Outcasts of Poker Flat (Bret Harte)
- The Outlaws (Selma Lagerlöf)
- An Outpost of Progress (Joseph Conrad)
- Outside (Etgar Keret)
- The Outsider (H. P. Lovecraft)
- The Oval Portrait (Edgar Allan Poe)
- Overcoat (Ghulam Abbas)
- The Overcoat / Cloak (Nikolai Gogol)
- Oysters (Anton Chekhov)
- The Pagan Rabbi (Cynthia Ozick)
- A Painful Case (James Joyce)
- The Pale Man (Julius Long)
- Papa, What Does That Spell (Vasily Aksyonov)
- Paper Menagerie (Ken Liu)
- Parallel Universes (Etgar Keret)
- The Pardon of Becky Day (John Fox, Jr.)
- Parker’s Back (Flannery O’Connor)
- Passing Wind (Lydia Davis)
- A Passion in the Desert (Honore de Balzac)
- Paste (Henry James)
- Patriotism (Yukio Mishima)
- Paul’s Case (Wiila Cather)
- The Pearl (John Steinbeck)
- The Pearl of Love (H. G. Wells)
- The Pedestrian (Ray Bradbury)
- A Perfect Day for Bananafish (J. D. Salinger)
- The Perfect Match (Ken Liu)
- The Perfect Murder (Jeffrey Archer)
- Philomel Cottage (Agatha Christie)
- The Piece of String (Guy de Maupassant)
- Pigeon Feathers (John Updike)
- A Pilgrim Yankee’s Progress (Nick Joaquin)
- The Pit and the Pendulum (Edgar Allan Poe)
- A Point at Issue (Kate Chopin)
- Poison (Roald Dahl)
- Pomegranate Seed (Edith Wharton)
- Poonek (Lim Beng Hap)
- Poovan Pazham (Vaikom Muhammad Basheer)
- Popular Mechanics (Raymond Carver)
- The Portrait of a Lady (Khushwant Singh)
- The Possibility of Evil (Shirley Jackson)
- The Postmaster (Rabindranath Tagore)
- The Postmaster / Stationmaster (Alexander Pushkin)
- Powder (Tobias Wolff)
- Prayer for the Living (Ben Okri)
- Prey (Richard Matheson)
- The Price of Eggs in China (Don Lee)
- The Princess and the Tin Box (James Thurber)
- The Princess of Nebraska (Yiyun Li)
- The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses (Bessie Head)
- Private Lies (Bobbie Ann Mason)
- A Problem (Anton Chekhov)
- Proper Library (Carolyn Ferrell)
- The Prussian Officer (D. H. Lawrence)
- The Pugilist at Rest (Thom Jones)
- The Purloined Letter (Edar Allan Poe)
- The Pursuer (Julio Cortázar)
- The Queen of Spades (Alexander Pushkin)
- Quiet Town (Jason Gurley)
- The Quilt (Ismat Chughtai)
- The Raft (Stephen King)
- The Railroad and the Churchyard (Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson )
- Railroad Standard Time (Frank Chin)
- Rain Frogs (Shiga Naoya)
- The Ransom of Red-Chief (O. Henry)
- Rape Fantasies (Margaret Atwood)
- Rappaccini’s Daughter (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
- Rats in the Walls (H. P. Lovecraft)
- Recitatif (Toni Morrision)
- The Red Bow (George Saunders)
- The Red Convertible (Louise Erdrich)
- The Red-Headed League (Arthur Conan Doyle)
- Redemption (John Gardner)
- The Refugee (K. A. Abbas)
- The Rememberer (Aimee Bender)
- Repent, Harlequin! Said the Ticktockman (Harlan Ellison)
- The Replacement (Alain Robbe-Grillet)
- Residents and Transients (Bobbie Ann Mason)
- A Respectable Woman (Kate Chopin)
- Resurrection of a Life (William Saroyan)
- A Retreived Reformation (O. Henry)
- The Return (Roberto Bolano)
- The Return (Fernando Sorrentino)
- Reunion (John Cheever)
- Reunion (Arthur C. Clarke)
- The Revolt of Mother (Mary E. Wilkins Freeman)
- Rex Ex Machina (Frederic Max)
- Rice (Manuel E. Arguilla)
- The Ring (Isak Dinesen)
- Ringing the Changes (Robert Aickman)
- Rip Van Winkle (Washington Irving)
- Ripe Figs (Kate Chopin)
- The Rocking-Horse Winner (D. H. Lawrence)
- The Rockpile (James Baldwin)
- Roman Fever (Edith Wharton)
- The Romance of a Busy Broker (O. Henry)
- Rosa (Cynthia Ozick)
- A Rose for Emily (William Faulkner)
- Roselily (Alice Walker)
- Roses, Rhododendron (Alice Adams)
- Rothschild’s Fiddle / Violin (Anton Chekhov)
- Ruthless (William de Mille)
- Saboteur (Ha Jin)
- Sacred Duty (Ismat Chughtai)
- The Sacrificial Egg (Chinua Achebe)
- The Sailor-Boy’s Tale (Isak Dinesen)
- Saint Samuel Bueno, Martyr (Miguel de Unamuno)
- Salt (Isaac Babel)
- The Salt Inspector / Namak Ka Darogha (Premchand)
- Sardarji (K. A. Abbas)
- A Scandal in Bohemia (Arthur Conan Doyle)
- The Scarlet Ibis (James Hurst)
- The School (Donald Barthelme)
- The Schreuderspitze (Mark Helprin)
- The Sea Beyond (N. V. M. Gonzalez)
- The Sea of Lost Time (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
- Searching for Summer (Joan Aiken)
- The Second Bakery Attack (Haruki Murakami)
- The Secret Cause (Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis)
- The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (James Thurber)
- The Secret Sharer (Joseph Conrad)
- Secretary (Mary Gaitskill)
- The Sentimentalists (Morley Callaghan)
- Separating (John Updike)
- Servant Girl (Estrella Alfon)
- Seven Floors (Dino Buzzati)
- Seventh Day of the Seventh Moon (Ken Liu)
- The Shadow in the Rose Garden (D. H. Lawrence)
- The Shadowy Third (Ellen Glasgow)
- The Shawl (Cynthia Ozick)
- She (Jason Brown)
- The Shell Collector (Anthony Doerr)
- The Sheriff’s Children (Charles W. Chesnutt)
- Shiloh (Bobbie Ann Mason)
- A Shinagawa Monkey (Haruki Murakami)
- A Shocking Accident (Graham Green)
- Shooting an Elephant (George Orwell)
- Shopping (Joyce Carol Oates)
- The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber (Ernest Hemingway)
- Showdown (Shirley Jackson)
- The Shroud / Kafan (Premchand)
- The Signal-man (Charles Dickens)
- Signs and Symbols (Vladimir Nabokov)
- Silent Snow, Secret Snow (Conrad Aiken)
- A Silver Dish (Saul Bellow)
- Silver Water (Amy Bloom)
- A Simple Heart / Soul (Gustave Flaubert)
- Six Feet of the Country (Nadine Gordimer)
- The Skater (Joy Williams)
- Skin (Roald Dahl)
- The Sky is Gray (Ernest J. Gaines)
- Slaughter House (Richard Matheson)
- Slave on the Block (Langston Hughes)
- Sleeping (Katherine Weber)
- Slowly, Slowly in the Wind (Patricia Highsmith)
- The Slump (John Updike)
- Small Change (Yehudit Hendel)
- A Small Good Thing (Raymond Carver)
- Smell / Bu (Saadat Hasan Manto)
- The Smoothest Way is Full of Stones (Julie Orringer)
- Snapshots of a Wedding (Bessie Head)
- The Sniper (Liam O’Flaherty)
- The Snob (Morley Callaghan)
- Snow (Alice Adams)
- Snow (Anne Beattie)
- The Snow Child (Angela Carter)
- Snow, Glass, Apples (Neil Gaiman)
- The Snows of Kilimanjaro (Ernest Hemingway)
- Snowstorm (Bruna Dantas Lobato)
- The Soft Touch of Grass (Luigi Pirandello)
- Soldier’s Home (Ernest Hemingway)
- Solipist (Fredric Brown)
- Some Families, Very Large (Jose Dalisay, Jr.)
- Someone to Talk To (Deborah Eisenberg)
- The Son (Horacio Quiroga)
- The Son From America (Isaac Bashevis Singer)
- Sonny’s Blues (James Baldwin)
- Sorrow-Acre (Isak Dinesen)
- A Sound of Thunder (Ray Bradbury)
- The Soul is Not a Smithy (David Foster Wallace)
- Souvenir (Jayne Anne Phillips)
- The Sparrows (K. A. Abbas)
- Speech Sounds (Octavia E. Butler)
- The Sphinx without a Secret (Oscar Wilde)
- The Spider Thread (Ryunosuke Akutagawa)
- Spiderweb (Mariana Enriquez)
- The Spinoza of Market Street (Isaac Bashevis Singer)
- A Spinster’s Tale (Peter Taylor)
- Spring in Fialta (Vladimir Nabokov)
- Spunk (Zora Neale Hurston)
- Squeaker’s Mate (Barbara Baynton)
- The Stains (Robert Aickman)
- The Star (Arthur C. Clarke)
- The Star (H. G. Wells)
- The Stars (S. Rajaratnam)
- The Station (H. E. Bates)
- The Stone Boy (Gina Berriault)
- Stone Mattress (Margaret Atwood)
- Stones in my Passway, Hellhound on my Trail (T. C. Boyle)
- The Storm (Kate Chopin)
- Story in a Mirror(Ilse Achinger)
- The Story of the Bad Little Boy (Mark Twain)
- The Story of the Good Little Boy (Mark Twain)
- The Story of a Letter (Carlos Bulosan)
- The Story of an Hour (Kate Chopin)
- The Storyteller (Saki)
- Storyteller (Leslie Marmon Silko)
- The Stout Gentleman (Washington Irving)
- Strawberry Spring (Stephen King)
- The Street-sweeping Show (Feng Jicai)
- Subha (Rabindranath Tagore)
- The Subliminal Man (J. G. Ballard)
- Summer Solstice (Nick Joaquin)
- The Sun, the Moon, the Stars (Junot Díaz)
- Sunanda (Banaphool)
- Sunbird (Neil Gaiman)
- Suspicion (Dorothy Sayers)
- Swaddling Clothes (Yukio Mishima)
- Sweat (Zora Neale Hurston)
- Sweet Potato Pie (Eugenia Collier)
- The Swimmer (John Cheever)
- Swimming Lessons (Rohinton Mistry)
- Taking Care (Joy Williams)
- Talpa (Juan Rulfo)
- Tears for Sale (Samira Azzam)
- Teenage Wasteland (Anne Tyler)
- The Tell-Tale Heart (Edgar Allan Poe)
- Tell Them Not to Kill Me (Juan Rulfo)
- A Temporary Matter (Jhumpa Lahiri)
- The Tenant (Bharati Mukherjee)
- Tennessee’s Partner (Bret Harte)
- Terrapin (Patricia Highsmith)
- Testimonial (Edwidge Danticat)
- Testimony of Pilot (Barry Hannah)
- Thakur’s Well (Premchand)
- That Evening Sun (Go Down) (William Faulkner)
- That in Aleppo Once… (Vladimir Nabokov)
- Theft (Katherine Anne Porter)
- There is a Reaper (Charles de Vet)
- There Will Come Soft Rains (Ray Bradbury)
- There’s a Man in the Habit of Hitting Me on the Head With an Umbrella (Fernando Sorrentino)
- There Was Once (Margaret Atwood)
- They’re Made Out of Meat (Terry Bisson)
- Things (Sinclair Lewis)
- The Things They Carried (Tim O’Brien)
- Think of England (Peter Ho Davies)
- Thirst (Ivo Andrić)
- This Blessed House (Jhumpa Lahiri)
- This Is Earle Sandt (Robert Olen Butler)
- This is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona
(Sherman Alexie) - This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen (Tadeusz Borowski)
- Thong Proi (Kukrit Pramoj)
- The Three-Day Blow (Ernest Hemingway)
- Three Elephant Power (A. B. Paterson)
- The Three Hermits (Leo Tolstoy)
- The Three Questions (Leo Tolstoy)
- Three Skeleton Key (George Toudouze)
- Three Thanksgivings (Charlotte Gilman)
- Through the Tunnel (Doris Lessing)
- Through the Wilderness (Dan Jacobson)
- Thus Were Their Faces (Silvina Ocampo)
- Tickets, Please (D. H. Lawrence)
- The Tiger (S. Rajaratnam)
- The Time Machine (Dino Buzzati)
- The Time Machine (H. G. Wells)
- Tiny, Smiling Daddy (Mary Gaitskill)
- Titanic Survivors Found in Bermuda Triangle (Robert Butler)
- To Build a Fire (Jack London)
- To Room Nineteen (Doris Lessing)
- To the Man on the Trail (Jack London)
- To Da-duh in Memoriam (Paule Marshall)
- Toba Tek Singh (Saadat Hasan Manto)
- Tobermory (Saki)
- The Toll-House (W. W. Jacobs)
- The Totara Tree (Roderick Finlayson)
- Town and Country Lovers (Nadine Gordimer)
- The Toxic Donut (Terry Bisson)
- Toy Shop (Harry Harrison)
- The Tractor and the Corn Goddess (Mulk Raj Anand)
- Train (Joy Williams)
- The Train from Rhodesia (Nadine Gordimer)
- Transactions in a Foreign Currency (Deborah Eisenberg)
- The Treasure in the Forest (H. G. Wells)
- The Treasure of Abbot Thomas (M. R. James)
- Trick or Treat (Padgett Powell)
- The Turning (Tim Winton)
- Twenty Minutes (James Salter)
- The Two Brothers and the Gold (Leo Tolstoy)
- Two Friends (Guy de Maupassant)
- Two Words (Isabel Allende)
- The Ultimate Safari (Nadine Gordimer)
- Unaccustomed Earth (Jhumpa Lahiri)
- An Uncomfortable Bed (attrib. Guy de Maupassant)
- Under the Banyan Tree (R. K. Narayan)
- The Underground Gardens (T. C. Boyle)
- The Undertaker / Coffin-Maker (Alexander Pushkin)
- Unnecessary Things (Tatyana Tolstaya)
- An Unsound Sleep (Nhat Tien)
- Unto Dust (Herman Bosman)
- Up in Michigan (Ernest Hemingway)
- An Upheaval (Anton Chekhov)
- A Useless Man (Sait Faik Abasıyanık)
- Usher II (Ray Bradbury)
- The Vane Sisters (Vladimir Nabokov)
- Vanka (Anton Chekhov)
- The Veldt (Ray Bradbury)
- A Vendetta (Guy de Maupassant)
- The Vengeful Creditor (Chinua Achebe)
- The Verb to Kill (Luisa Valenzuela)
- The Verger (W. Somerset Maugham)
- A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
- Victoria and Her Kimono (M. Shanmughalingam)
- Victory (Vasily Aksyonov)
- Victory Over Japan (Ellen Gilchrist)
- Vision out of the Corner of One Eye (Luisa Valenzuela)
- The Visitor (Lydia Davis)
- The Voice of God / Holy Panchayat (Premchand)
- Voodoo (Fredric Brown)
- The Voter (Chinua Achebe)
- A Wagner Matinée (Willa Cather)
- Wakefield (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
- Waldo (Robert Heinlein)
- Walker Brothers Cowboy (Alice Munro)
- The Wall (Jean-Paul Sartre)
- Wandering Willie’s Tale (Sir Walter Scott)
- The Water-Faucet Vision (Gish Gen)
- War (Luigi Pirandello)
- The War Prayer (Mark Twain)
- Was it a Dream? (Guy de Maupassant)
- The Washerwoman’s Children (Witi Ihimaera)
- Wasps’ Nest (Agatha Christie)
- The Wave (Liam O’Flaherty)
- A Way of Talking (Patricia Grace)
- The Way It Felt to Be Falling (Kim Edwards)
- The Way Up to Heaven (Roald Dahl)
- (Because) We’re Very Poor (Ruan Rulfo)
- The Wedding Dance (Amador Daguio)
- Wedding Night (Sait Faik Abasıyanık)
- Wedding Reception (Nyi Pu Lay)
- The Weeping Fig (Judith Wright)
- Weight (John Edgar Wideman)
- The Weight of a Gun (Samrat Upadhyay)
- The Werewolf (Angela Carter)
- What I Have Been Doing Lately (Jamaica Kincaid)
- What I Saw from Where I Stood (Marisa Silver)
- What Men Live By (Leo Tolstoy)
- What Shall We Do When We All Go Out? (Gregorio C. Brillantes)
- What We Talk About When We Talk About Love (Raymond Carver)
- What You Pawn I Will Redeem (Sherman Alexie)
- When Anklets Tinkle (Anjana Appachana)
- When Darkness Falls (Ruskin Bond)
- When the Mice Failed to Arrive (Gerald Murnane)
- Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? (Joyce Carol Oates)
- Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy (Tim O’Brien)
- Where I’m Calling From (Raymond Carver)
- Where Is Here (Joyce Carol Oates)
- The Whimper of Whipped Dogs (Harlan Ellison)
- A White Heron (Sarah Orne Jewett)
- The White Horses of Vienna (Kay Boyle)
- Who Will Greet You at Home (Lesley Nneka Arimah)
- Why Don’t You Dance? (Raymond Carver)
- Why Had I Left Home? (Carlos Bulosan)
- Why I Live at the P.O. (Eudora Welty)
- Wicked Girl (Isabel Allende)
- A Wife’s Story (Bharati Mukherjee)
- The Wife’s Story (Ursula Le Guin)
- The Willow Walk (Sinclair Lewis)
- The Willows (Algernon Blackwood)
- Window (Deborah Eisenberg)
- Winter Dreams (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
- With All Flags Flying (Anne Tyler)
- With the Photographer (Stephen Leacock)
- The Witness for the Prosecution (Agatha Christie)
- Wives of the Dead (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
- Woman Hollering Creek (Sandra Cisneros)
- Women in Their Beds (Gina Berriault)
- The Woman Who Came at Six O’Clock (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
- A Worn Path (Eudora Welty)
- The Wreath (Luigi Pirandello)
- Wunderkind (Carson McCullers)
- Yellow Fish (Ambai)
- Yellow Moepels (Herman Bosman)
- The Yellow Wallpaper (Charlotte Gilman)
- Yellow Woman (Leslie Marmon Silko)
- Yesterday was Beautiful (Roald Dahl)
- You’re Ugly, Too (Lorrie Moore)
- You Were Perfectly Fine (Dorothy Parker)
- Young Archimedes (Aldous Huxley)
- Young Goodman Brown (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
- The Young Man Who Flew Past (Arkady Averchenko)
- Youth (Isaac Asimov)
- Youth (Joseph Conrad)
- Zero Hour (Ray Bradbury)
- Zita (Arturo B. Rotor)
- The Zulu and the Zeide (Dan Jacobson)