This story by Manuel E. Arguilla describes an innocent but sexually charged encounter between a Filipino man and woman on a hot midsummer day. The man, who is driving a bullock cart along an isolated stretch of road, notices a young, surprisingly sweet and fresh woman on her way to collect water. He stops and follows her up a dry gorge to a well, where he watches her draw water. After she leaves and later returns for more water, they strike up a conversation. Themes include sexuality, physical attraction, shyness and respect. More…
The Story of an Hour
Kate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour received a mixed reaction when first published. Released into a male dominated world, the story supports equality for women. The idea that a wife could feel free, free, free and have a look of triumph in her eyes after hearing about her husband’s death was unheard of. It is fortunate that Chopin decided to end the story with Louise dying from joy that kills. One critic has suggested that it would never have been published if she had lived happily ever after. Themes include identity, marriage (oppression vs. love), personal freedom, and grief. More…
The Love of My Life
This T. C. Boyle story holds a powerful message for teenagers in their first serious relationship. All too often, young lovers mistake the closeness that comes with shared sexual awakening for long-term, enduring love. The truth remains hidden until the relationship is tested in some way, in this case with an unplanned pregnancy. Initially, readers admire the young couple for the strength of their affection towards each other. Disappointment begins with the girl’s selfish indecision about the pregnancy, quickly followed by disgust at the couple’s terrible treatment of the new-born baby and willingness to blame each other for what happens. More…
Greasy Lake
This coming of age story from T. C. Boyle is about three nineteen-year-old boys who think it is “good to be bad”. It begins on a lighthearted note. The boys try to look and act tough, but cruise the streets in their parents’ station wagons and get their highs from sniffing glue. One night, an innocent prank goes terribly wrong. A case of mistaken identity results in a stranger being beaten unconscious, an attempted rape, discovery of a dead body, and the trashing of a family car. The events prove the danger of pretending to be someone you are not. More…
Annie’s Day
Andy Weir’s Annie is a bad girl who sleeps around and likes to play nasty pranks on people. Whenever she has a free night she sleeps with Paul, whose wife has left him. However, she has two problems with Paul. First, he is a morning person and she is a night owl. He wakes at 6.00am every day while she doesn’t like getting up until 10.00am at the earliest. More importantly, there is a big age difference between them. Her dream, which she achieves in the story, is to sleep with Paul’s sixteen-year-old son. More…