In this story taken from the Autobiography of Mark Twain, the author reminisces about a childhood prank that still haunts him in adult life. When a traveling mesmerizer (hypnotist) came to town, young Twain volunteered as a subject to show off before the public … and make the people laugh and shout and admire. His performance was so convincing that he fooled everyone in town. Later in life he comes to regret the deception, but learns that it can sometimes prove very difficult to undo a lie. Themes include showmanship, deception, the temporary nature of fame, cruelty, gullibility. More…
A Night in the Hills
This story from Paz Marquez Benitez deals with something many people caught up in a routine job or coming to a crossroads in life go through: dreaming of escape to an alternative, seemingly more appealing lifestyle. City-based Gerardo has always dreamed of living in the countryside. Recently widowed, he accompanies a friend to inspect some newly opened public land. After a single night in the jungle, he decides that life “in the hills” is not as appealing as he had imagined. Themes: imagination (the grass is always greener), city vs. country life, discontent, enlightenment, acceptance. More…
The Ghost upon the Rail
This supposedly true story by John Lang is set in the early 1800s. John Fisher had come to Australia as a convict. He worked hard, won his freedom and became rich. One day a neighbor tells everyone that Fisher has returned to England. A year later, he says that Fisher has written asking him to sell all he owns and send the money to him. According to this version, at about the same time three men (one a policeman) are returning home late one night. Sitting on a rail beside the road is Fisher’s ghost. This spoils the neighbor’s plan. More…
The Last Unicorns
This flash story by Edward Hoch begins with the startling news that thousands of years ago unicorns once roamed Africa. A clever trader manages to buy a pair and transport them to the Middle East. As unicorns are much stronger than horses, he plans to make his fortune by breeding them and selling the young. Before he can do this, a stranger arrives and offers to buy his unicorns. When he says “No”, the stranger tries to steal them. The angry trader drives the stranger away, little knowing that his unicorns will soon become the last two in the world. More…
Yiyun Li’s story exploring aspects of China’s transition from empire to communist super-power is unusual in that its point of view is not that of a single character, but rather the collective voice of a rural community. Central themes are lack of power of the individual (symbolized by emasculation), and abuse of power by the ruling classes. Secondary themes are the methods adopted by the Communist Party to consolidate its power (indoctrination through cultism, repression and fear), and the changes taking place as modern technology exposes the masses to Western lifestyles and values. More…